Intuitiv mamma - online kvinnesirkel


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Les mer om Intuitiv mamma - online kvinnesirkel

Din sirkel-holder

Anette Hommel


Les mer om Anette


Women's circles are ancient,
deep within us we know them,
we feel them, we long for them

When we step back into them,
we feel the women before us
the ones who knew their divinity,
the ones who were free

Yet with that,
we also feel the pain,
the pain of the suppression
that broke these circles away.

And thus every time we step back into circle,
we are calling our power back,
the light and the dark, the wisdom and the magik.

Through a collective healing,
and a collective remembering,
we awaken.

We do this for our grandmothers.
We do this for our daughters.
We do this for our sisters,
our mothers, ourselves.

For there is no safer space
for a woman
Than a space held
by the sacredness of the circle

A space for you to remember, who you really are.
And in remembering, who you really are,
you let go of who they told you to be.


Fra boka: Women's Circle - How to Gather with Meaning, Intention and Purpose (Anoushka Florence)


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