
Yoga for Pregnancy


Kundalini yoga for pregnancy invites you to cultivate mindfulness and self-regulation to help you prepare for birth.

A group of pregnant women doing pregnancy yoga at FĂžderommet

Yoga for pregnancy


In pregnancy yoga, we do different exercices: to strengthen and stretch the body, to become familiar with breathwork and singing, and to relax.

Kundalini yoga uses repetitive movements as a way to enter in a meditative state, a state where you cultivate mindfulness and self-regulation.

With this form of yoga you are invited to practice with eyes closed to really focus inwards, on your experience and your breath.

It is a great way to prepare for birth.


Thursdays 18:00-19:15

Drop-in: 250,-

Course (5 times): 1.170,-

Teacher: Ana

No available courses at this time

A group of pregnant women doing pregnancy yoga at FĂžderommet

The yoga time is a time to:

  • spend time listening to your body and mind
  • devolop or maintain a good dialog with your mind, your breath, your confidence
  • build or maintain physical strength that supports you during and after pregnancy
  • engage in short physical challenges to "ride the wave" of sensations - great to prepare for labor!
  • rest
  • laugh
  • dance
  • connect, share and be inspired by those who embark on the same journey as you
  • support you to develop a daily practice


Photo: Paul Aibeo and Erlend Vinkler Bach

Meet your teacher

Doula og YogalÊrer Trine Husby pÄ FÞderommet i Trondheim

Ana Cassigneul

Ana teaches different types of yoga, and always supports self-acceptance, kindness and self-knowledge. She is passionate about women's health and she has experienced how important a pratice anchored in mindfulness is during periods of transition.

She trained to teach yoga for pregnancy and post-natal yoga so that she could support others in this special transition in life. She trained with midwives that are also yoga practitioners, and who developped an holistic approach to pregnancy yoga, that includes the physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of pregnancy.

She speaks Norwegian (also French and Spanish), and teaches in English. She has a background in biology, food system and environment.


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