Women's circle


Surrendering into motherhood – 6 circles (English)

Gravide kvinner strekker armene sine inn i sirkel over lilla blomster

Surrendering into motherhood


It takes a village…  

We say it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to hold the mother. We invite you to remember that no individual can survive alone, let alone thrive. 

These circles are intended for women to come together and share in a safe space. Together we will create a sense of community in which we feel safe to come home to our true selves again. 

We will focus on a different theme each circle, supported by exercises, meditation, reflection and movement. This is a safe space for everyone with a nourishing energy in which you will feel able to relax. Examples of topics we work with are: ´support´, ´surrender´, ´ancestors´, ´communication´.

Motherhood, pregnancy and postpartum are the main focus. But every woman (and child) is welcome.

It is important to Dulcia (your space holder) that everyone has access to what she sees as an essential part of society. So the contribution is donation based. After every circle you can donate what you can and want to give.


Fridays (see dates underneath)


Føderommet - Mellomila 91A

Price: donation based (anywhere from 0-400 is normal)

Registration required


Dates 2024:

January 5th

Januar 19th

February 2nd

February 16th

March 1st

March 15th

Gravide kvinner strekker armene sine inn i sirkel over lilla blomster
Reserve my spot
As women we are in need of a safe feminine environment that is non-judgmental and where we can let our experiences, emotions, questions and doubts flow freely and sacredly.

Your space holder

Dulcia Klerk

Hi, I'm Dulcia.

In February 2022 I moved from Holland to Norway to join lives with my amazing Norwegian love. Joining lives we did, and even creating new life! In September we welcomed our first child into the world.

From my early 20's on I have been travelling a lot throughout different parts of the world where I learned about myself and life. A red thread throughout my journey has been womanhood and the wisdom of women and mothers passing on to each other. I longed for safe female connections and started attracting women on my path that would share about their life experiences and would hold space.

I believe that as women we are in need of a safe feminine environment that is non-judgmental and where we can let our experiences, emotions, questions and doubts flow freely and sacredly. When we find this, we feel safe to return to our natural intuitive state. I am now at a point in my life where I feel ready to follow the calling to facilitate this need for other women and to hold space for as many women as possible so we can all get back in touch with our intuitive nature, our power and softness.

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